Provincial Airways - Detailed Study of 3d air label.
Copyright © 2022 Robert Farquharson All Rights Reserved
British Internal Airmails of the 1930’s

Section 5 - Directors Samples

These were printed to submit to the Directors of Provincial Airways to select the final colour combination. Some were put through the press the wrong way round which therefore created an inverted vignette. The errors were thought to have been leaked onto the philatelic market and were not destined for the powers that be. [**NOTE** I suspect this is incorrect. The samples did appear on the market, but they were probably not leaked. The inverted vignette may have been an initial accident, but there were far too many printed for them all to be accidents. I suspect the directors saw the potential in selling these to collectors. In the end they were packaged in packets and sold. (Francis Field). How they were first marketed is not known, but now they are sold as proofs when they are no such thing.]
Orange and Blue on Ivory Card
Blue on Ivory Card
Red and Orange on Ivory Card. Inverted.
Black on Ivory Card Black on Ivory Card. Aeroplane both Orientations Red and Orange on  Ivory Card Black on Ivory Card Black on Ivory Card. Aeroplane both Orientations Red and Orange on  Ivory Card
Orange and Blue on Ivory Card on Ivory Card
Orange on  Ivory Card Red and Orange on  Ivory Card   Orange and Blue on  Ivory Card  Red on  Ivory Card  Red and Blue on  Ivory Card  Orange on  Ivory Card Red and Orange on  Ivory Card   Orange and Blue on  Ivory Card  Red on  Ivory Card  Red and Blue on  Ivory Card
Blue on Ivory Card
Red and Orange on Ivory Card. Inverted.
Blue on  Ivory Card  Red and Orange on  Ivory Card. Inverted.  Blue on  Ivory Card  Red and Orange on  Ivory Card. Inverted.
Provincial Airways - Detailed Study of 3d air label.
Copyright © 2020 Robert Farquharson All Rights Reserved
British Internal Airmails of the 1930’s

Section 5 - Directors Samples

These were printed to submit to the Directors of Provincial Airways to select the final colour combination. Some were put through the press the wrong way round which therefore created an inverted vignette. The errors were thought to have been leaked onto the philatelic market and were not destined for the powers that be. [**NOTE** I suspect this is incorrect. The samples did appear on the market, but they were probably not leaked. The inverted vignette may have been an initial accident, but there were far too many printed for them all to be accidents. I suspect the directors saw the potential in selling these to collectors. In the end they were packaged in packets and sold. (Francis Field). How they were first marketed is not known, but now they are sold as proofs when they are no such thing.]
Blue on Ivory Card
Black on Ivory Card Black on Ivory Card. Aeroplane both Orientations Red and Orange on  Ivory Card Black on Ivory Card Black on Ivory Card. Aeroplane both Orientations Red and Orange on  Ivory Card
Orange on  Ivory Card Red and Orange on  Ivory Card   Orange and Blue on  Ivory Card  Red on  Ivory Card  Red and Blue on  Ivory Card  Orange on  Ivory Card Red and Orange on  Ivory Card   Orange and Blue on  Ivory Card  Red on  Ivory Card  Red and Blue on  Ivory Card
Blue on Ivory Card
Blue on  Ivory Card  Red and Orange on  Ivory Card. Inverted.  Blue on  Ivory Card  Red and Orange on  Ivory Card. Inverted.