Articles - Railway Air Services Ltd
Copyright © 2022 Robert Farquharson All Rights Reserved
British Internal Airmails of the 1930’s
Orange and Blue on Ivory Card
Orange and Blue on Ivory Card on Ivory Card

Imperial Airways Gazette May 1933 - Railway Air Services Ltd

In the March issue of the Gazette we announced that the four main Railway companies and Imperial Airways had reached an agreement for the formation of a new company with the object of providing and operating services to the British Isles and elsewhere and to form connecting links with the services of Imperial Airways. The new company, which is known as Railway Air Services Ltd, recently issued the following official statement: - A new company known as Railway Air Services has been formed by the four group Railways and Imperial Airways for the purpose of operating Internal Airlines. Each of the four group Railways and Imperial Airways in the directorate which is as follows: - Sir Harold Hartley. Chairman, representing the London, Midland and Scottish Railway. Lt-Col H Burchall representing Imperial Airways. Mr S. H Collett representing Great Western Railway. Mr D. H. Corble representing North Easter Railway. Mr G. S. Salamper representing Southern Railway. The registered offices of the company are at Victoria Terminus, Victoria. The Southern Railway As an immediate result of the formation of the company the southern Railway has in conjunction with Railway Air Services Ltd, concluded arrangements with Spartan Airways Ltd, tom operate as from the 1st of May 1934 a joint air service between London and the Isle of Wight. Full details of this service will be announced later. The London – Isle of Wight route was extended successfully last summer by Spartan Air Lines Ltd with an each way service between London and Ryde and Cowes. The London Midland and Scottish Railway The London Midland and Scottish Railway will initiate a regular air service to be operated by Railway Air Services Ltd between London and Glasgow via Belfast. The intermediate points at which the service will call have not yet been definitely decided, but a full announcement regrading the arrangements will be made as early as possible. Owing to the fact this route involves two sea passages it is exceptionally suited to air transport as it enables the speed of the aircraft to be utilized to the greatest advantage. The Great Western Railway Provided satisfactory arrangements can be made with the aerodrome owners it is proposed that Railway Air Services will operate for the Great Western Railway services between Plymouth, Cardiff and/or Bristol and Birmingham with a possible extension to Liverpool. It is the intention that these services will link up with other services of Railway Services Ltd. The London and North Eastern Railway So far as London and North Eastern Railway is concerned, geographical and other considerations affecting the territory served by that Company are such as to render the provision of air services rather less urgent than in other parts of the country. Whilst it is improbable that the L.N.E.R will decide to establish a service during the current year, they are having certain routes carefully surveyed with a view to arriving at a decision as to the routes which will be provided in the future. Co-operation The co-operation between rail and air transport undertakings is intended to encourage and popularise combined rail and air travel and will provide special facilities for the through booking of passengers and their baggage by rail air and boat services. Further announcements as to the operation of inland air routes by Railway Air Services will be made as the individual companies decide other routes over which they wish to operate. COLOURS OF RAILWAY AIR SERVICES Red and Green have been selected as the colours for the fleet of the Company, and a phonograph will appear in the next issue of the Gazette showing one of the Dragons “lined out” in this colour scheme. FIRST RAIL-AIR SERVICES LONDON – ISLE OF WIGHT The first of the Southern Air Services began on 1st of May namely between London and the Isle of Wight. This service has been arranged by the Southern Railway in co-operation with Spartan Airlines Ltd and will be operated entirely by the latter company using Spartan Cruisers. The timetable is given below DAILY (Including Sundays) as under : FROM LONDON From 15 May London Airway Terminus dep 08.45 11.00 15.30 18.15 London Airport 09.25 11.40 16.10 18.55 Ryde Airport arr 10.05 12.20 16.50 19.55 Cowes Aerodrome 10.15 12.30 17.00 19.45 TO LONDON Cowes Aerodrome dep 08.30 10.45 15.15 18.00 Ryde Airport* 08.40 10.55 15.25 18.10 London Airport arr 09.30 11.35 16.05 18.50 London Airway Terminus 10.50 12.15 16.45 19.30 * Will call at Bembridge Airport if inducement offers and circumstances permit. The single fare for the whole journey will be 30s and the return fare 50s and holders of return tickets can if they so desire return first class by the Southern Railway steamer via Ryde and Portsmouth and restaurant car express to London without extra charge. The aerial route is over some of the most beautiful parts of Surrey and Hampshire and passengers will have views Dorking, Haslemere, Midhurst and the Southampton water in the distance. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ DAILY SERVICES BETWEEN PLYMOUTH AND LIVERPOOL Dep. 08.50 Plymouth 18.40 arr Dep. 09.10 Haldon 18.20 arr Dep. 09.15 Haldon 18.15 arr Dep. 09.55 Cardiff 17.55 arr Dep. 10.00 Cardiff 17.20 arr Dep. 11.00 Birmingham 16.20 arr Dep. 11.15 Birmingham 16.15 arr Dep. 12.00 Liverpool 15.30 arr __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ FARES ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Single Return Plymouth - Teignmouth 12s 25s - Cardiff 42s 65s - Birmingham 60s 90s - Liverpool 85s 120s Teignmouth - Cardiff 40s 60s - Birmingham 55s 85s - Liverpool 80s 115s Cardiff - Birmingham 30s 50s - Liverpool 45s 70s Birmingham - Liverpool 30s 45s _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Thirty five pounds of baggage are carried free of charge for each passenger when travelling on this service; excess baggage weight according to distance up to 6d per pound.
Articles - Railway Air Services Ltd
Copyright © 2020 Robert Farquharson All Rights Reserved
British Internal Airmails of the 1930’s

Section 5 - Directors Samples

These were printed to submit to the Directors of Provincial Airways to select the final colour combination. Some were put through the press the wrong way round which therefore created an inverted vignette. The errors were thought to have been leaked onto the philatelic market and were not destined for the powers that be. [**NOTE** I suspect this is incorrect. The samples did appear on the market, but they were probably not leaked. The inverted vignette may have been an initial accident, but there were far too many printed for them all to be accidents. I suspect the directors saw the potential in selling these to collectors. In the end they were packaged in packets and sold. (Francis Field). How they were first marketed is not known, but now they are sold as proofs when they are no such thing.]
Blue on Ivory Card
Black on Ivory Card Black on Ivory Card. Aeroplane both Orientations Red and Orange on  Ivory Card Black on Ivory Card Black on Ivory Card. Aeroplane both Orientations Red and Orange on  Ivory Card
Orange on  Ivory Card Red and Orange on  Ivory Card   Orange and Blue on  Ivory Card  Red on  Ivory Card  Red and Blue on  Ivory Card  Orange on  Ivory Card Red and Orange on  Ivory Card   Orange and Blue on  Ivory Card  Red on  Ivory Card  Red and Blue on  Ivory Card
Blue on Ivory Card
Blue on  Ivory Card  Red and Orange on  Ivory Card. Inverted.  Blue on  Ivory Card  Red and Orange on  Ivory Card. Inverted.