Northern and Scottish Airways
Northern and Scottish Airways were founded by George Nicholson and started life as Northern Airways on Jul 1st 1934 and flew Newcastle-Carlisle-Isle of Man. Northern and Scottish Airways took over on November 21st 1934 with Nicholson as Managing Director and restarted the old Midland and Scottish route of Glasgow-Campbeltown-Islay. In Jan 1935, United Airways took a controlling interest but as with Highland Airways when taken over by United they retained their name. United held the North of Scotland with Highland, the South of Scotland with Northern and Scottish and flew their own services from Blackpool to the Isle of Man and down to London.

Northern and Scottish Airways Emergency Flight 12th March 1937.

Northern and Scottish Airways were used to carry emergency mail on two occasions, once on the 4th September 1936 and again on the 12 March 1937. The flights went from Renfrew (Glasgow) to Islay to Campbeltown. The company produced 206 souvenir cover for the second flight, but many were damaged. The covers from Glasgow were plain, but those from Islay bore the Company information on the front and had ‘Why not travel by Air to Isle of Man and the Western Isles’ on the rear. The company amalgamated with Scottish Airways in 1938. On 4th September 1936, the mail for Jura missed the boat and the Post Office in the emergency arranged for Northern and Scottish to fly the mail to Islay. No covers from this flight have been recorded. On the 12th March 1937 the boat “Pioneer” was disabled, and Northern and Scottish Airways were chartered to convey mail between Renfrew, Islay and Campbeltown. A rather plain commemorative envelope was produced, that had the name of the company and details of the journey printed on the left top corner of the envelope. On the rear was printed ‘Why not travel by air to the Isle of Man and the Western Isles’. The commemorative envelope flown from Islay to Campbeltown is shown below.
Copyright © 2022 Robert Farquharson All Rights Reserved
Glasgow to Campbeltown. Pilot signed.
British Internal Airmails of the 1930’s
Glasgow to Islay. Pilot signed
Glasgow to Islay. Commercial mail.
Islay to Campbeltown commemorative
Islay to Campbeltown rear.
Northern and Scottish Airways
Northern and Scottish Airways were founded by George Nicholson and started life as Northern Airways on Jul 1st 1934 and flew Newcastle-Carlisle-Isle of Man. Northern and Scottish Airways took over on November 21st 1934 with Nicholson as Managing Director and restarted the old Midland and Scottish route of Glasgow-Campbeltown-Islay. In Jan 1935, United Airways took a controlling interest but as with Highland Airways when taken over by United they retained their name. United held the North of Scotland with Highland, the South of Scotland with Northern and Scottish and flew their own services from Blackpool to the Isle of Man and down to London.

Northern and Scottish Airways Emergency Flight 12th March 1937.

Northern and Scottish Airways were used to carry emergency mail on two occasions, once on the 4th September 1936 and again on the 12 March 1937. The flights went from Renfrew (Glasgow) to Islay to Campbeltown. The company produced 206 souvenir cover for the second flight, but many were damaged. The covers from Glasgow were plain, but those from Islay bore the Company information on the front and had ‘Why not travel by Air to Isle of Man and the Western Isles’ on the rear. The company amalgamated with Scottish Airways in 1938. On 4th September 1936, the mail for Jura missed the boat and the Post Office in the emergency arranged for Northern and Scottish to fly the mail to Islay. No covers from this flight have been recorded. On the 12th March 1937 the boat “Pioneer” was disabled, and Northern and Scottish Airways were chartered to convey mail between Renfrew, Islay and Campbeltown. A rather plain commemorative envelope was produced, that had the name of the company and details of the journey printed on the left top corner of the envelope. On the rear was printed ‘Why not travel by air to the Isle of Man and the Western Isles’. The commemorative envelope flown from Islay to Campbeltown is shown below.
Copyright © 2020 Robert Farquharson All Rights Reserved
Glasgow to Campbeltown. Pilot signed.
British Internal Airmails of the 1930’s
Glasgow to Islay. Pilot signed
Islay to Campbeltown commemorative